The COVVI-19 pandemic stressed how vulnerable our health systems are to treat the pandemic worldwide.
The pandemic has highlighted the need to quickly develop infrastructure (hospitals) to deal with infectious patients, quickly move the production lines to produce medical goods necessary to contain infection and treat infectious patients (including drugs) as well as delivery of these elements to locations that could offer the highest impact on the fight against the Pandemic.
He highlighted the need for intelligent autonomous agents who cannot understand diseases to support humans’ efforts while they are attacking the pandemic. This research subject seeks to explore the various technologies of autonomous agents and artificial intelligence techniques that could be brought quickly to deal with a pandemic.
The trigger of COVID-19 urges the development of artificial intelligence technologies (AI) and robotics to fight against the virus. IA assisted imaging methods and tools have been studied and played an increasingly important role in the detection and diagnosis of the virus. Conversely, robotic applications are less well understood and integrated.
In this subject of research, we aim to collect current research surrounding robotics and AI in the pandemic, in order to overcome the challenges preventing large -scale robotic deployment. We aim to approach the feasibility and implications of robotics in the diagnosis and detection of COVID-19 as well as their ability to support the manufacture and delivery of medical goods. We welcome contributions that provide solutions to psychological technical, cultural and social challenges with which the industry is confronted.
Discussing the progress of this area will propel our understanding of how robotics and AI can be used in the diagnosis and detection of COVID-19 and will provide a framework so that we can integrate intelligent systems to reduce pressure on our health systems during this pandemic and future.
This research subject aims to tackle themes, in particular, but without limiting itself:
• Robotics in the diagnosis of COVVI-19
• Intelligent thermometry systems
• Robotics in the samples collection
• Robotic technologies for infection prevention
• Robotics for the detection and disinfection of viral hot spots
• Robotic technologies for nursing
• Autonomous transport and delivery of medical goods.
• Robotic technologies for rapid reconfiguration of manufacturing lines for medication and health products
*** Due to the exceptional nature of the COVVI-19 situation, Frontiers renounces all the costs of processing articles for research related to COVID-19 subject to this research subject before the deadline of the manuscript on November 23, 2020 ***