I work as an investment analyst for a common investment fund. I share the same meticulousness and the same precision in my daytime work as with my private work found mainly here on the search for Alpha. My areas of expertise include the technological sector as well as the energy sector. I am not enclosed in my investment choices or my companies that I analyze, I think there are significant value opportunities outside the United States. I personally invest in a variety of market funds, but also specific companies, some of which I will share reports here. I am not a momentum investor in itself, I prefer an average long -term investment horizon for companies in which I choose to invest. The relationships and opinions that I share here are mine and mine alone.
Disclosure of the analyst: I / We have a long beneficial position in NVDA actions through shareholding, options or other derivatives. I wrote this article myself and it expresses my own opinions. I do not receive compensation for that (other than alpha search). I have no commercial relationship with a company whose stock is mentioned in this article.
Alpha disclosure search: Past performance does not guarantee future results. No recommendation or advice is given to find out if an investment is suitable for a particular investor. All views or opinions expressed above may not reflect those of the search for Alpha as a whole. The search for alpha is not an approved securities merchant, a broker or an American investment advisor or an investment bank. Our analysts are third-party authors who include both professional investors and individual investors who may not be authorized or certified by any institute or regulatory organization.