Google Launched you learn on, an AI tool to explore educational subjects.
It offers interactive guides, global summaries and links to relevant videos on a subject.
Discover the uses of the Google IA Learnlm model, which is designed for educational purposes.
Google has just launched a new experimental AI tool called “ask”.
AI, which is accessible via a website, acts as your conversational learning companion that you explore a wide range of subjects or ask specific questions.
Contrary to Google de Gèle ai chatbot Or IA previews in Google Search, this tool is more oriented towards learning. He uses information -based information in his responses.
Discover the interactive offers, encouraging you to engage with the content you learn.Google
The answers are also presented in a more engaging format than your typical chatbot. There are interactive guides, multiple choice tests or a selection of photos and videos on the subjects you learn.
When you visit the tool website, you will have the opportunity to type your own question or select from an organized set of quick suggestions, ranging from scientific requests to what causes earthquakes to psychological explorations to know if ‘Money buys happiness.
Rearning we have a wide range of suggestions for organized subjects extending to different subjects.Google
I tried the latter, and he posted an overview of the subject at the top, with educational articles related to.
Below, the AI tool offered a nuanced conclusion on the subject and a purple box “Why Ittets” to explain the context behind interest in the correlation between money and happiness.
Discover the summary of the subject that I selected and cited relevant educational articles.Screenshot / Google
It also included videos and related items to dive as well as suggested prompts to explore other related subjects. The left sidebar also has suggestions for similar subjects to dig and a list of corresponding links for each.
Different requests cause different visuals. For example, when I selected an organized prompt on the history of Oxford’s comma, it generated an interactive chronology on the establishment of punctuation.
When invited to the history of Oxford’s comma, discover an interactive chronology.Screenshot / Discover
I was pleasantly surprised by the engaging nature of a subject that I would have otherwise considered a little dull.
A Google spokesperson told Business Insider that the learning tool is built with Learllm, an AI model “refined for learning” released In May, and helps create personalized lessons in an individual’s learning style.
The tool combines the knowledge of Google Search and up-to-date information with the conversational nature of Gemini, said the spokesperson. Discover access to these types of individual lessons and personalized content encourages more in-depth learning, said the spokesperson.
You can encourage more about how you would with Gemini, as by asking it to help you write a work email. However, it will be held in an interactive response format by providing a box with an example of email and other educational information on best practices for delay requests below.
Find out more about generating a box sample of an e-mail request for leave time and has related content on how to write a vacation request.Screenshots / Discover
If you provoke Gemini with the same question, he will answer with a draft of an email.
Gemini responds to the same invite only with a draft of an email.Screenshot / Gemini
Nor can you resume where you stopped with past cats as you can with other Google AI tools like Gemini or Notebookwho recently became viral for his Audio overview generating podcast. When you close a tab, your conversation has disappeared.
You can try the new Google AI tool here.
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