Commercial team meeting to discuss the latest data indicated on infographics
While companies are preparing for 2025, staying ahead of upcoming trends is no longer an option – it is a need for sustainable growth. From technological progress that raised industries to changes in consumer expectations and global economic dynamics, the landscape evolves faster than businesses cannot follow. But, the really understanding of these trends is not only to follow; It is a question of actually exploiting them to create opportunities, surpass competitors and offer lasting value.
Regarding growth, one of my favorite periods of the year is when I can attend the EY Strategic Growth Forum. This is an event that pays tribute to some of the fastest growth companies in the United States, in addition to totaling more than 51B income for the American economy. For business leaders, it may be humiliating to see this success, but it is also useful to feel recharged by entrepreneurs who solve problems today. With the speed with which the world changes, it is essential for people to learn from each other and to support entrepreneurs who innovate. There were precious data collected before the event with the Barometer of the Entrepreneur EY ecosystem. Data has shown that 73% of entrepreneurs were optimistic about AI and 82% think that the market will be stronger in 2025. Below, I share the key trends that will help puts businesses to succeed next year .
1. The goal is increasing
Something that I really like about the forum is the effort of concentration on the goal and to put entrepreneurs to success. The event honors incredible women in the Warning women’s programas well as impressive minority leaders in the Entrepreneurs access network. In addition to these programs, there is an effort to identify companies that have a positive net effect on the world. Although I saw this trend in other events, this in particular had many companies that quickly extended. Lee Henderson, the private leader of the EY Americas, stressed that they favor the search for individuals they can set up to succeed and significant growth.
Speaking to Henderson and other leaders, it seems that the pandemic has sparked a movement, which prompted more companies to seek greater sense of the objective. The pandemic allowed people to think about the types of businesses for which they worked and to consider what is really important. Needless to say, many of these fast growing companies can see that it has become easier to attract the best talents, customers and partners.
THE Entrepreneur of the year The global winner was someone I met at the start of the event, ABA Centers. This company is an integrated organization of behavioral health care focused on the diagnosis and care of autism. Chris Barnett, the CEO, clearly had a passion in order to help solve a real problem in our society in the way we diagnose and deal with autism.
2. I changed how we grow up
For many of these companies, growth did not necessarily mean increasing the number of employees. Companies have rather experienced impressive growth thanks to their effective use of technology. AI has made a significant difference to help companies evolve without using human capital. Does this mean that people will no longer have room for the labor market? No. However, this implies that many positions can be better provided by technology, which would give people a chance to focus more on the things for which they are only equipped.
For example, PushA company that revolutionizes the automotive industry, uses AI to help the entire customer’s life cycle. From the start of customer relations at the end, this company proves that seeing the full customer cycle can help identify the areas in which AI or technology can be the most useful. In some cases, several automated processes can be implemented to better support customers. In other cases, perhaps only a few improvements can be made. No matter where your business comes across this spectrum, each company and leader should step back and ask: “What can technology do so that I will enhance the customer experience that will contribute to growth?”
3. Education evolves
In my education, the commonly owned concept was that the college was the best way to success if you had the means to afford it. However, companies like Transfr have experienced significant growth because they started using virtual reality to help train people. Whether in the automotive industry or in the construction industry, Transfr trains people to learn qualified jobs using a VR helmet.
Today, we learn that not only is college not practical for everyone, but it is no longer the only way to succeed. With the help of technology, training and education necessary to prepare people for jobs are made possible without school. A technology like this extends the horizon of business growth with its ability to help talent, and it extends opportunities to people who may not have been able to afford a college. It also offers the global advantage of providing more targeted training for qualified jobs.
Education possibilities are increasing and more and more companies harvest the advantages. For example, Mower financing is a company that helps international residents to come to the United States and receive education. Companies like these have a positive impact by funding educational opportunities so that students can come to the United States to be educated and create value.
I have been in entrepreneurship for some time, so I have met some of the most innovative entrepreneurs around the world. To remain innovative and competitive at a global level, I think that the extension of education opportunities to everyone is essential to provoke the best ideas and ways of thinking more diverse.
In the search for 2025
These trends stimulating change before 2025 clearly reflect a world that values innovation, adaptability and customers. Companies that embrace this state of mind can prepare for more than a simple surviving uncertainty, but prosperous in spite of itself. Whether it is a goal, use AI or implement education opportunities, the best way to exploit these trends is to make a plan and execute a strategy. By remaining informed, growing companies can transform their current road dams into new ways of success and guarantee their status as a leader in industry. With this, start to develop a solid plan, learn to adapt and seize opportunities for the future.