Industry 5.0 takes humans to the center of the workspace, avoiding their involvement in unsuccessful value tasks, which can be automated thanks to the use of robots. In this way, heavy, expensive, tedious and repetitive operations can be required of autonomous systems capable of adapting to operating conditions, while the operator supervises the process, intervening if necessary. The expertise of operators is indeed used in additional value tasks, improving their role.
To effectively implement the paradigm of industry 5.0, the full potential of human-robot collaboration must be unleashed. The robot must interact effectively with humans, with natural and intuitive communication methods. It must also adapt to the operator’s requests, based on the operating environment. To this end, the adoption of AI techniques allows the deployment of intelligent systems capable of perceiving the environment and humans, the integration of reasoning capacities to make decisions and learning humans and their own experience . These subjects are discussed by articles published in this research subject: Robots for Human Assistance in an industrial environment (Dégunier-Rochat et al.), the effects of robotics on humans (Arntz et al.), methods of human-robot collaboration (Mukherjee et al.) and performance assessment in human-robot collaboration (Remazeeilles et al.).
In this research subject, the use of AI to improve human-robot collaboration is indeed studied. In Dégunier-Rochat et al.The authors discuss how humans can be increased and not replaced by robotics and AI. The article focuses on human-to-high-robot collaboration authorized by AI and its challenges and its potential to implement the Industry 5.0 paradigm. Arntz et al. studied the effect on users of different methods of human-robot interaction. This article aims to better understand operators of acceptance and perception of their robotic colleagues. Mukherjee et al. Analyzed different methods of human-robot communication, focusing in particular on the naturalness of interaction. The document aims to assess which interaction approach would suit an effective human-robot interaction in the industry. In Remazeeilles et al.The Eurobench software framework is introduced to assess the performance of two-way robots, which could be used in the industrial framework to collaborate with humans (that is to say humanoid robots). This article studies how to assess the performance of these robots in complex scenarios, to better understand how they can help humans in real workplaces.
In conclusion, this research subject provides an overview of current robotics applications to industry 5.0, in particular the use of artificial intelligence to solve related problems and challenges. Contributed articles provide interesting approaches to research, paving the way for improving human-robot collaboration in the industrial framework.
Contributions from authors
LR: Writing – Original BRAFT and writing and edition.
The authors declare that no financial support has been received for the research, paternity and / or publication of this article.
Conflict of interest
The author declares that research has been carried out in the absence of commercial or financial relations which could be interpreted as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All complaints expressed in this article are only those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, publishers and criticism. Any product that can be evaluated in this article, or complaint that can be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or approved by the publisher.
Keywords: Artificial intelligence, human-robot collaboration, human-robot interaction, industry 5.0, industrial robotics
Quote: Roveda L (2024) Editorial: Human – Robot Collaboration in Industry 5.0: An approach based on man centered on man. In front. Robot. IA 11: 1511126. Doi: 10.3389 / Frobt .2024.1511126
Received: October 14, 2024; Accepted: November 13, 2024;
Posted: November 26, 2024.
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*Correspondence: Loris Roveda, BG9YAXMUCM92ZWRHQGLKC2LHLMNO