1 Understanding human movement
Robotics has become so sophisticated that the methods developed can be used to resolve research issues in many other fields, from computer animation to neuroscience. In recent years, robotic calculation strategies have contributed significantly to the analysis of human movement and manipulation capacities. These analyzes have led to progress in the field of robotics by allowing human inspiration capacities in robots and simulated systems, as well as various learning methods for robots. They also led to a more in -depth understanding of the human body and its movement generation strategies. Drawing on the methods and techniques developed in robotics, a variety of effective tools to synthesize the human movement have also been introduced. These developments open up new paths for the study of human movement with exciting prospects for clinical therapies, improvement of performance, sports training and the ergonomic evaluation of workers. In -depth research has led not only to a more in -depth understanding of the human body and its movement generation strategy, but also of the improvement of robotic technology which physically interacts with humans. There is a need for technologies that support daily life and technologies of people who physically support people’s movements. To this end, it is important to develop technologies in which a robot can estimate and predict the movements of a human and cooperate with the intentions of movement of man. While current robotics technologies are based on human models to imitate human behavior in robots, they do it on a purely individual basis, while ignoring the behavior and dynamics between partners who naturally occur in human collaboration. These social interactions are a key element of any human collaboration and must also be considered to achieve the objective of human behavior in robots. Consequently, we must first of all understand how humans collaborate with each other and explore the dynamics of human interaction in collaborative tasks so that these ideas can be implemented later in robot control systems.
Work in the field of understanding of the human movement, we are all faced with typical questions:
• How does the brain control and coordinate daily movements?
• What strategies can be used to reconstruct human movements on anthropomorphic engineering systems?
• What advanced calculation tools can be used to characterize natural human movements and higher level strategies?
2 The subject of research on understanding human movement
This research subject provides theoretical and experimental information and describes guidelines for research activities in the field of understanding human movements. It is intended to provide information on recent relevant scientific research and to present some examples of the current state of developed technologies that apply these concepts to robotics. The main lines of research can be summarized as.
Estimation of the human motion state by applying robotics: a movement data acquisition protocol for the identification of the reliable system and calculation methods based on cluster techniques for the identification of the dynamic system (Sugihara, Kaneta and Murai, 2022)); A new mathematical model of a step and brake control to a human subject (Kojima and Sugihara, 2022)); and a model of continuous approach balance by incorporating knowledge of the analysis of the walking and know-how of assistants (Yoshikawa, 2022). Research in this cluster provides new research knowledge based on the modeling and analysis of balance controllers and demonstrates the knowledge acquired on humanoid robots.
Estimation of the human movement using automatic learning: preview of the search for databases of the published articles from 2012 to mid-2010 which focuses on human approach studies and apply automatic learning techniques (Harris, Khoo and Deircan, 2022). The research presented in this cluster provides a detailed explanation of human behavior and its application to automatic learning, offering precious expertise to researchers intended to analyze human behavior in the future.
Human-robot interaction: overview of more natural-human-robot physical interaction using human human movement data (Cabibihan et al., 2022)); and analysis and quantification of the disrupted human movement during a task of physical collaboration (Camilleri, Dogramadzi and Caleb-Solly, 2022). The research presented in this cluster is analyzed in detail, given the impact on synchrony between close physical interactions between humans and robots.
3 final remarks
The developed subjects will lead us to answer certain questions in the field of understanding of the human movement. All the works presented in this research subject provide useful know-how and contribute to a better understanding of the human movement. Since the field of understanding human movements includes many scientific disciplines, multidisciplinary research activities and a wide range of technical and scientific questions, it is not possible to collect all the results that would provide a complete overview of the subject. However, we must all strive to contribute from the piece by piece to this puzzle in order to expand knowledge to the point where we can no longer distinguish robotic and human movement.
Contributions from authors
All the authors listed made a substantial, direct and intellectual contribution to the work and approved it for publication.
We thank all the authors and examiners contributing to their work on this research subject.
Conflict of interest
Ty was used by Honda R&D CO.LTD.
The remaining authors say that research has been carried out in the absence of commercial or financial relations which could be interpreted as a potential conflict of interest.
Publisher’s note
All complaints expressed in this article are only those of the authors and do not necessarily represent those of their affiliated organizations, or those of the publisher, publishers and examiners. Any product that can be evaluated in this article, or complaint that can be made by its manufacturer, is not guaranteed or approved by the publisher.
Keywords: robotics, AI, biomechanics, kinesiology, intelligent
Quote: Yoshikawa T, Deircan E, Fraisse P and Petrič T (2022) editorial: Understanding of the human movement for robots and intelligent systems. In front. Robot. IA 9: 994167. Doi: 10.3389 / Frobt. 2022.994167
Received: July 14, 2022; Accepted: July 19, 2022;
Posted: August 17, 2022.
Edited and examined by:
Katsu YamaneRobert Bosch, United States
Copyright © 2022 Yoshikawa, Deircan, Fraisse and Petrič. This is an article in free access distributed under the terms of the Creative commons attribution license (CC by). The use, distribution or reproduction in other forums is authorized, provided that the authors of origin and the copyright (s) are credited and that the original publication in this review is cited, in accordance with the academic practice accepted. No use, distribution or reproduction is authorized which does not respect these terms.
*Correspondence: Tadej Petrič, dgfkzwoucgv0cmljqglqcy5zaq ==