Google is testing an experimental AI function that creates a personalized podcast using your research and discovering history. The daily listening functionality in Google’s research laboratories takes place to Android and iOS users in the United States according to 9TO5GOOGLEand works in the same way as Audio presentation of the Google Notebook project functionality.
Listening daily refers to research data and discovering flow interactions to assess the most interesting press articles for the user, then sums up these stories and subjects in an audio overview of about five minutes. It provides a transcription of text, alongside audio adjoining orders which allow users to play, take a break, make eyebrows, rewind or move to the following history.
Laboratory research users who have opted to try this experience will find listening to the Carrousel Widget personalized under the search bar at the top of the Google application daily. A “related stories” tab will appear at the bottom of the audio player which corresponds to the content in the preview which allows users to love or disapprove of each story with a thumb up / down and explore new subjects.
There is currently no words on when / if this feature will be deployed to the wider public. Google Presentation of the IA search have been tested in the same way via research laboratories before embarking on a general audience last year, it is therefore possible that daily listening can one day become a persistent feature – I hope the one that is easier to refuse IA previews.