Of course, this is the greatest security acquisition of all time, even greater than the 28B agreement of Cisco for Splunk, which was probably not the security of the pure game.
What makes it really remarkable is the speed and confidence with which WIZ grew up and swallowed up the Cloud Security Tam. The company has published breathtaking press releases from the start.
Remember when they claimed $ 100 million arrived after having been without stealth for only 18 months? We have provided our brains to even design how the company could add workforce quickly enough to grow at this rate.
Meanwhile, the company’s research team regularly produced incredible research, finding vulnerability after vulnerability in cloud safety platforms. Research that did everyone Sure, not just WIZ customers.
They rejected an offer of 23 billion dollars in Google and said that the IPO and the objective, but the IPOs are not what they were, and I would say that a cloud security company is not a good choice for the public market against risks. It seems to be a big result, but some people are not so sure. Will WIZ support for non-Google platforms degrade after acquisition? Only time will tell us, but Ian Iamit has reflections on this subject on Linkedin.