Google has published a new document in its forums named questions frequently asked about IA preview. In this document, he has a section called “Why can’t I deactivate AI’s overviews?” The answer is that Google’s goal is to help people find the information they are looking for quickly and reliably. “
The question is “why can’t I deactivate AI’s overviews?”
Google wrote in response:
Before deploying AI in research, we have largely tested experience via research laboratories to help us understand where generative AI can be the most useful. Like all the research features we build, our goal is to help people find the information they are looking for quickly and reliably. You can also find the useful web filter if you want to focus on text -based links without features such as AI. Find out more about IA’s overviews: G.CO/ai/verViewsinSinarch.
I don’t know if it really answers the question – right?
Here are the complete FAQs on the previews of Google AI based on the most common questions on the IA previews Google search forums “To help you understand this new feature and how he can improve your research experience,” Ashwarya wrote from Google’s research team:
What are AI’s overviews?
AI previews use generative AI to provide key information on your Google search, with links to dig more deeply and learn more. Find out more about IA’s overviews: G.CO/ai/verViewsinSinarch.
Will deactivation of “IA glimpses and more” deactivate all IA glimpses?
No, the deactivation of the experience “AI of the overviews and more” in the research laboratories will not deactivate all the glimpses of the AI in research. AI previews are a functionality such as knowledge panels and cannot be deactivated.
Are AI’s overviews available in all languages and regions?
IA ages (outside of research laboratories) are currently available for users in the United States in English. We gradually unfold the previews of AI to more users, languages and regions.
Are AI’s overviews still exact?
The generative AI is experimental and can make mistakes. We are constantly improving precision to ensure that IA previews confirm the quality of research standards. Find out more:
How to access the AI glimps?
IA ages (outside of research laboratories) are currently available for users in the United States in English, and we are impatient to bring this capacity to more users and countries. To obtain early access, you can opt for “IA and more previews” in research laboratories, in countries where experience is available:
How to delete IA previews?
IA previews in research (outside of research laboratories) are a search functionality such as knowledge panels and cannot be deactivated. However, you can select the web filter after doing a search. This filter only displays textual links without features such as AI previews. Find out more about IA’s overviews: G.CO/ai/verViewsinSinarch.
Why can’t I deactivate AI’s overviews?
Before deploying AI in research, we have largely tested experience via research laboratories to help us understand where generative AI can be the most useful. Like all the research features we build, our goal is to help people find the information they are looking for quickly and reliably. You can also find the useful web filter if you want to focus on text -based links without features such as AI. Find out more about IA’s overviews: G.CO/ai/verViewsinSinarch.
What is the “web filter” feature?
We know that for some requests, some people really want web links – just as they would like to filter the results for the images, videos or forum results. So we added a new “web” filter that allows people to get a results page with links.
Why has the name SGE (generative research) changed?
The experience has been renamed “AI AI APERNIEDS AND MALER” to reflect that it offers an expanded version of the AI Presentation functionality available in research, as well as other AI -generating features tested in research laboratories.
How can I provide comments on AI’s overviews?
Evaluate each overview with a thumb up 👍 or the thumbs down 👎. Click on “Share more comments” or “report a problem” to provide details. Your comments will help this experience to improve. Find out more: G.CO/AI/OVERVIEWFEEDBACK.
Forum discussion at Help Google on web search.