Google Search seems to have accidentally disclosed its various IA research options and features, which go beyond AI modethat he recently launched. 47 Different IA research options are displayed, including Info Sleuth, Allium, Qtalk, Medexplainer, Fantasy Sports Researcher, Smart Kitchen and many others.
This seems to reveal certain features for the search for slots AI that Google has tested internally in Google Search.
Here are some screenshots that Tom Critichlow shared with me, he also published this on Liendin::
The list includes; AI mode, web guide, memory, air, AI themes, AI themes layer 10, info Sleuth, Allium, Automat, Neon, Topic Map, ask on X, Qtalk, Medenexplainer (Fig), energy assistant at home, explore, clarify the questions, advance things, Dreamer outfit, visit the guide, highlight, prototype supercat, nitroobost: Create, Fig slideshow, incentive explore, web_guide_flagship, create, a trip with state, stargaze stars, hub weekend, motorcycles and opt-in.
Tom said that when he clicked on one of these additional AI research features, the results have not changed much, but he added an URL URL parameter, as for the neural chief, Google added MGT = 25.
Forum discussion at Liendin.