The 13th Hamlyn annual symposium on medical robotics 2020: “Surgery and beyond”
The Hamlyn Center For robotic surgery at Imperial College, London announced the main strengths of the program Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics 2020 (# HSMR2020) to be held from June 20 to 23, 2020.
The theme of this year’s symposium is “surgery and beyond” and is led by Professor the Lord Ara Darzi, who holds the president of Paul Hamlyn surgery at the Imperial College of London, the Royal Marsden Hospital and the ‘Cancer Research Institute, London and Dr. Kevin Cleary, scientific place, Sheikh Zayed Institute for Pediatric Surgical Innovation, Children’s National Hospital. Now in its 13th consecutive year, the symposium is the main annual international conference on medical robotics, current clinical practice and emerging technologies in robotic surgery, with protruding activities this year, in particular:
- A full program of interactive workshops exploring hot subjects and advanced technologies;
- Two -day conference welcoming international articles with a reading committee, alongside world -renowned world renowned speakers;
- The surgical robot challenge, highlighting the latest robotic technologies in surgical practice;
- The complete accreditation of the DPCs by the Royal College of Surgeons, demonstrating the recognition and the value of the program among clinical practitioners.
The program will star in speakers, documents of documents and leading international renown delegates of the main medical, scientific and technological establishments covering clinical specialties in urology, cardiac surgery, neurosurgery, chest surgery, general surgery, gynecology, orl , orthopedic and pediatric surgery. A range of unique practical workshops will be offered on subjects covering in the fields of bionic technologies and implantable robots, e-skins and advanced materials for soft robotics and robotic autonomy in surgery. A current call of papers can be found on the website and the quotation date is February 7, 2020.
Commenting on the Hamlyn symposium, Professor Le Lord Ara Darzi said: “The Hamlyn Symposium in medical robotics aims to offer a platform to present the latest technological advances in medical robotics, as well as to bring together talented colleagues that share a conductMotivation to explore ideas and themes beyond surgical developments by providing the best possible care to their patients. We have been a great reputation in the past 13 years and have worked hard to make the symposium one of the main international events of medical robotics. »»
Dr. Kevin Cleary also said: “Hamlyn’s symposium in medical robotics has become the main international event in the field of medical robotics and should be on the agenda of any researcher in the field. The mixture of clinical and technical experts present makes an animated program and discourse. The event is suitable for both experience and new researchers, including students, post-doctoral students, trainees and scholarship holders. »»
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