The congruence of technology such as AI and its use for education can help transform the different pedagogical practices and future of education. Educational organizations like The UNESCO and The World Bank are already calling for research and development-oriented projects, and creation/mobilization of technological initiatives on how to re-imagine education and operationalize the use of digital technologies for its purpose, the “Digitized-Education”. Those goals mean or include methodological approaches and wide adoption of the AI-methods in fostering education in the classroom or learning environments. Also noteworthy is the fact that “digitized-education” is now an inevitable and integral element to achieving the global sustainable development goals (SDGs) particularly the SDG4 that promotes quality of education.
This Research Topic’s organizers believe that the several stakeholders (educators, researchers and AI practitioners) can commit to creation, developing, rethinking, and re-imagining of AI methods and technologies that can lead to efficient and effective adoption/implementation of the TEL-based (technology-enhanced) education, science, or innovations. The section aims to collect state-of-the-art research and studies that look into (i) why digitized-education may or may not have been effectively implemented in the different educational settings (ii) intelligent tools, models, and manifestos that support instructional AI design for scale or learning sustainability (iii) strategies, policies, and frameworks that support AI-based interventions to facilitate the teacher-student learning processes and outcomes (iv) digitally engaging the educational ecosystem, and (v) data-driven methods or analytical approaches for human learning development or life-long learning. Thus, this collection considers studies in which the methodology deals with different case studies, new and emerging technologies that are robustly implemented to understand the impact, benefits, and challenges to use of digital technologies or AI in education.
Invited papers and topics in this Research Topic include, but are not limited to:
• Intelligent tutoring systems
• Learning analytics and AI design
• Virtual reality, augmented reality, flipped classrooms, and blended learning
• Collaborative learning tools and instruction design
• Educational data mining
• Educational process mining
• Educational technologies and innovation
• Web-based technologies and their use in education
• Challenges and opportunities with AI for digitized-education, e.g., digital divide, digital literacy and skills, ethics and policies
• Digitized-education and its transformative implications for achieving the global sustainable development goals, e.g., quality education, inclusive education, learning disabilities, outcome-based education, life-long learning, education 4.0