Michael Calore: Good.
Lauren Goode: Yeah. So I recommend Technician.
Michael Calore: Good. Both adopting technology and painting a dark future, just like this show.
Lauren Goode: And it could be our new slogan, I think. I like that. That. Mike, what is your rec?
Michael Calore: I also recommend a book. It’s a brand new book. It’s called Neu Klang: Krautrock’s final history By Cristoph Dallach. Krautrock, a terrible name, terrible name, but over the years, has evolved into a sort of term of affection for music made by German groups from the mid-60s to the mid-80s, perhaps at- Beyond, but it’s generous, I would say.
Groups like CAN, I never know how to pronounce this, but can, can, Kraftwerk, Faust, Neu!, Groups you have probably heard of if you are in a weird rock. Anyway, it is one of my favorite styles of music, and it is an oral story of the style of music. The author therefore spoke to all the players who are still alive, to people who were adjacent to this world, people like Iggy Pop and Brian Eno, and who really brought him home. This is the first great final oral history of the Krautrock movement.
So if you are there, the English version is available in the United Kingdom at the moment. So I ordered it to a raw trade and it passed a little early, but if you want to wait for the American version, it was released in early August. So he goes out this summer. So, if you are a great fan, you can put your strange hands quickly and have it shipped internationally, or if you are an American and you just want to wait and be lazy, then you can wait.
Lauren Goode: Are your hands dirty from kraut?
Michael Calore: Sauerkraut?
Lauren Goode: Yeah, sauerkraut.
Michael Calore: No, it’s just in all the ink on all the books I read.
Lauren Goode: Soft.
Michael Calore: Yeah.
Lauren Goode: You appreciate.
Michael Calore: THANKS. Very good, well, thank you all. It was a great discussion. Thank you both for joining us this week.
Reece Rogers: THANKS.
Kate Knibbs: Thank you for having us.
Lauren Goode: Yes, a standard Podcast response. I love him.
Kate Knibbs: Should I start to be rude?
Lauren Goode: No, it was great.
Kate Knibbs: Yeah. Go give up guys, actually. I don’t know if I am allowed to swear.
Lauren Goode: It’s staying in.
Kate Knibbs: I’m kidding.
Lauren Goode: Yes you are.
Kate Knibbs: ALL RIGHT.
Michael Calore: And thank you all for listening. If you have comments, you can all find us on the IA glimpses. Just look for our names on Google. Our producer is the powerful Boone Ashworth. We will be back next week with a new show. It’s Apple’s WWDC next week, so come back to hear us about everything about Apple. And until then, goodbye.
(Gadget lab outro music plays))