Meta is supposed to consider an agreement that could further separate Nvidia’s business.
A stock of artificial intelligence (AI) which has taken a burning start this year is the mastodon of social media Meta-platforms (Meta 1.11%)). Barely a few weeks ago, Meta’s leadership told investors that 2025 would be a full year while the company sought to continue to move aggressively on its IA roadmap.
Be precise, Meta is preparing to spend up to $ 65 billion in AI infrastructure This year – representing an increase of 65% from one year to another. Since the company works in close collaboration with Nvidia And Advanced micro-apparentsand also work with Broadcom To design his own Personalized inference chipsIt is not too surprising that Meta provides for such a solid increase in capital expenses (CAPEX).
What can be surprising, however, is that Meta may have just found a new source for its capital – and he could put Nvidia in a jam. Below, I’m going to search in some recent news involving Meta at the moment and detail how Nvidia could be assigned.
How Meta could try to jump nvidia
Even if Nvidia dominates the graphic processing unit (Gpu) Market, the company faced competition beyond the usual suspect of AMD. Namely, many of Nvidia’s biggest customers, such as cloud hyperscalers Microsoft,, AmazonAnd AlphabetAs well as the Meta social networking platform, invest in their own personalized chip products. The justification for these investments is to complete the existing chipsets with new architectures in order to migrate full dependence on the NVIDIA battery.
Meta’s foray into the GPU field revolves around his Meta Training and Inference Accelerator (MTIA) chip. Although the MTIA chip is always an emerging initiative in Meta, the company may have identified a way to advance the project much faster than initially planned.
Several media report that Meta is considering acquisition Furiosaai, a flea start-up in Korea. Furiosaai says that his treatment power is more profitable compared to the new GPUs of Nvidia. If this is true, it could change the game for Meta with regard to her CAPEX plans this year and his accent on the acquisition of more data center chips.
In theory, the profitability savings from Furiosaai as well as the development processes of the company’s fleas could provide obvious synergies to the Meta AI budget and its product roadmap while the development of MTIA fleas continues.

Image source: Getty Images.
Could Meta agreement make trouble for Nvidia?
On the surface, the introduction of the MTIA chip may seem a crisis for Nvidia.
However, the Meta chip has only about a year – so it is unlikely that the company has developed something so sophisticated or more compared to Nvidia in just one year.
For this reason, I would not say that Nvidia risks losing the meta soon as a customer. In addition, the news around Meta’s interest in Furiosaai is, for the moment, always a rumor.
In addition, even if Meta is advancing with the acquisition of Furiosaai, there will be a lot of work to do on the sides of the integration and development of products from the house. Increasing Meta AI is not necessarily a bad thing for Nvidia. If anything, additional competition could lead to more innovation and advanced architectures in the GPU landscape.
I think it’s a matter of time before the semiconductor sector begins to consolidate anyway. Many of Nvidia’s biggest customers are already focusing on their own internal chips. In this spirit, I would not be surprised to see Big Tech start to acquire or associate with other flea manufacturers outside the Nvidia ecosystem in the coming years.
At the end of the day, I do not see any potential acquisition by Meta as a check -up against Nvidia. Except and until an agreement is formed, any movement in the actions of Nvidia based on Meta’s motivations is rooted in speculation focused on emotions.
Randi Zuckerberg, former Director of Development of the Facebook and Sister of the CEO of Meta Platforms, Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of the board of directors of Motley Fool’s. John Mackey, former CEO of Whole Foods Market, a subsidiary of Amazon, is a member of the board of directors of Motley Fool’s. Suzanne Frey, director of Alphabet, is a member of the board of directors of Motley Fool’s. Adam Spatacco At positions in Alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms, Microsoft and Nvidia. The Motley Fool has positions and recommends micro advanced devices, alphabet, Amazon, Meta Platforms, Microsoft and Nvidia. The Motley Fool recommends Broadcom and recommends the following options: Long January 2026 395 $ calls Microsoft and short January 2026 405 $ calls Microsoft. The Word’s madman has a Disclosure policy.