The meta decision to train her IA The models on the publications on social networks of its Facebook and Instagram sites asks ethical questions about the data ingested in AI, warned the analyst of Globaldata Emma Christy.
In a blog article, Meta explained that he would begin to train his models of AI to recognize the familiar language and the local references of public publications on social networks produced on its sites by European users.
The social media giant said that its AI models would not be trained on personal data, but rather to recognize the discourse models used frequently in the online sphere.
Meta has confirmed that he would not form his AI models on private messages or user data under the age of 18.
The company has declared that the training of its AI models on publications on social networks carried out by Europeans would help its AI to serve European users more precisely, allowing its AI to understand the linguistic and cultural differences between European countries .
Meta said, in a blog post that he was not the first technological company to form an AI model in this way, declaring that Google and Openai had also formed their AI models on user data data Europeans.
Globaldata analyst Emma Christy said that Meta’s decision to train her AI on social media user data always asked important ethical questions about confidentiality and consent, that other companies have used data from data similar training.
Christy particularly focused on Meta’s decision to use a deactivation scheme for its social media users rather than an opt-in.
“After adopting a withdrawal system, Meta Users may not know how their data is used, by creating challenges in maintaining transparency and responsibility,” she said.
“Instead of asking users their consent (opt-in), Meta argues that he has a legitimate interest which replaces the fundamental right of European users in the protection and confidentiality of data,” she added .
Christy said that the use of opt-out could move the responsibility for consent to its users. “Users must detail personal reasons in an objection form which can only be affected by several clicks and an additional connection. Meta commercial implications may include an increased regulatory examination and reduce consumer confidence, “she added.