Generative AI for mental health is a rapidly growing field, but issues abound and we need to be on … [+]
In today’s column, I am continuing my ongoing series about the impact of generative AI in the health and medical realm. The focus this time is once again on the mental health domain, and I provide herein a handy set of top trends on a quick-scan basis about generative AI for mental health. This is a fast-moving and rapidly expanding domain that has both national and global significance.
I have previously examined numerous interleaving facets of generative AI and mental health. For example, I closely analyzed the emergence of mental health chatbots bolstered by generative AI (see the link here) and explored the rapidly changing nature of the client-therapist relationship due to generative AI at the link here. I explored where things are headed regarding the levels of AI-based mental therapy autonomous guidance at the link here, and showcased the importance of the World Health Organization (WHO) report on global health and generative AI at the link here, and so on.
Subsequently, and based on reader requests, I went ahead and put together this relatively comprehensive overview to aid in seeing the forest for the trees on this heated or controversial topic.
The key reason there is acrimonious debate is that some assert that generative AI has the potential to materially undercut mental health, while others proclaim that generative AI is a huge boon to demonstrably improving mental health. There are decidedly two sides to this coin. Part of the challenge is that the devil is in the details.
I strive to cover both sides of these matters and ensure that you can clearly see what each has to say.
Before I dive into the various trends, I thought it might be useful to provide a brief overview of what generative AI for mental health generally consists of. This foundation will aid in gleaning what the trends involve.
Brief Overview Of Generative AI For Mental Health
Let’s start with the big picture.
The use of generative AI for mental health treatment is a burgeoning area of tremendously significant societal ramifications. We are witnessing the adoption of generative AI for providing mental health advice on a widescale basis, yet little is known about whether this is beneficial to humankind or perhaps contrastingly harmful for humanity. This conundrum is yet another example of the dual use of AI. Dual use of AI refers to the aspect that AI can be used for beneficial purposes, and meanwhile can also have drawbacks or be used by intent or by happenstance for dour purposes.
Some would favorably assert that we are “democratizing” mental health treatment via the impending rush of low-cost always-available generative AI-based mental health apps. Those who cannot otherwise access or afford mental health therapy from human therapists can instead rely upon generative AI to provide treatment. As noted in my numerous postings on this matter, reported statistics stridently indicate that the amount of needed mental health advisement far exceeds the availability of professional mental health therapists, thus, turning to the use of generative AI is indubitably a balancing of demand that already outstrips supply (spurring too the release of hidden or suppressed demand).
Critics sharply decry that we are subjecting ourselves to a global wanton experiment in which we are the guinea pigs. People are either knowingly or sometimes unknowingly opting to use generative AI for mental health guidance, but serious questions have yet to be settled on whether doing so is a viable and healthy alternative.
Furthermore, be forewarned that it is shockingly all too easy nowadays to craft a generative AI mental health app, and just about anyone anywhere can do so, including while sitting at home in their pajamas and not knowing any bona fide substance about what constitutes suitable mental health therapy. Via the use of what is often referred to as simple establishing prompts, it is easy to make a generative AI app that purportedly gives mental health advice. No coding is required, and no software development skills are needed.
We lamentedly are faced with a free-for-all that bodes for potential bad tidings. Just about anyone can readily create a claimed-to-be mental health app via generative AI and make the app largely available for public use. When people choose to use such an app, they are doing so without upfront awareness of what the generative AI is going to do. They assume that either the person who devised the app or the AI maker that provides the generative AI tool will have somehow done their due diligence to ensure that the mental health advisement is bona fide and robust.
That’s not particularly the case and we are amid the Wild West days of generative AI in this domain.
I will next cover one at a time each of what I view as noteworthy trends in the emergence of generative AI for mental health, focusing on especially vital and speedily emerging facets (please note that new aspects are arising nearly daily, so be on the watch for ongoing news plus my latest coverage). At the end of each of the individual descriptions, there is a link provided to further delve into the topic at hand.
Here we go, my list of vital trends in the domain of generative AI for mental health.
- Freely Allowing Generative AI To Be Used For Mental Health Advisement
You can readily sign up for a generative AI app such as the well-known ChatGPT, GPT-4, Bard, Gemini, Claude, etc., and immediately dive into getting what seems to be proffered mental health advice by the AI. There is nothing unusual about this. You merely start asking the generative AI questions about mental health and the AI will respond to your requests.
The AI makers typically have clauses in their licensing agreements that forewarn about making use of their generative AI for such purposes, but few people likely read those stipulations. The generative AI apps are also usually fine-tuned by the AI maker to steer away from outright recommendations regarding mental health. Plus, the generative AI typically emits a canned kind of message that the person using the AI should seek advice from professional mental health therapists if so needed.
Is that sufficient cautionary consideration or does this smack of a wink-wink about the gravity of the matter at hand?
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Role-Playing In Generative AI Amid Mental Health Impacts
One popular use of generative AI consists of role-playing.
You have the generative AI pretend to be someone that you want to role-play with. This is referred to as having the AI simulate a persona. You can name someone in particular such as say Abraham Lincoln or describe in general the nature of the persona that you want to seemingly interact with.
Though this seems harmless on the surface, upon closer inspection it is apparent that making use of the persona feature can potentially have impactful mental health ramifications.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI Tries A Hand At Mental Health Counseling Exam
You might be aware that efforts have been undertaken to see how well generative AI performs on various standardized tests, such as tests to be a lawyer, tests to get into medical school, etc. The general answer is that generative AI has done remarkably well on those tests. Of course, passing tests is not necessarily the same as being able to avidly practice a given profession.
In an innovative effort to see how well generative AI might do on a mental health counseling licensing exam, the results suggested that AI is on the way to a potential passing grade. Again, this isn’t the same as saying that generative AI is licensable and not necessarily a practical alternative for therapeutic professional purposes.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Client-Therapist Relationships Changing Due To Generative AI
A revered element of mental health therapy is the client-therapist relationship. This is a cornerstone for therapy and therapeutic results.
Turns out that the client-therapist relationship is undergoing dramatic changes due to the adoption of generative AI. We are moving toward a triad rather than the now-aging duo, namely a client-AI-therapist relationship is in the works.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- GPT Store Warily Includes Generative AI Mental Health Chatbots
In terms of generative AI, ChatGPT is the elephant in the room, reportedly having over one hundred million weekly active users. That’s a staggering number.
The AI maker of ChatGPT, OpenAI, now allows users to devise chatbots, known as GPTs, and the GPTs can be placed into an online app store known as the GPT Store. This provides a humongous vehicle for those who devise a mental health chatbot with ChatGPT and wish to make it readily available for easy access. Good for everyone or does this seem rife with problems?
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Simulating A Sigmund Freud Persona Via Generative AI
Generative AI can simulate people via a capability known as personas. Sometimes it makes sense to ask generative AI to pretend to be a historical figure such as Abraham Lincoln. One such historical figure that generative AI will readily simulate is the famed Sigmund Freud.
You don’t need to merely imagine what a psychoanalysis by Freud would be like since you can tell generative AI to pretend to be Sigmund Freud and see with your own eyes what happens.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Doing Psychoanalysis With AI And Of AI
The field of AI and the field of psychoanalysis have had a long history together. At times, AI has aided in pushing along psychoanalysis techniques and approaches. Meanwhile, in that same vein, efforts to use psychoanalysis to advance AI techniques and technologies have also taken place. This is a showcase of two intertwining and jointly advancing domains: (1) AI applied to psychoanalysis, and (2) Psychoanalysis applied to AI. A seemingly perfect match for each other.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- World Health Organization (WHO) Issues Important Report On Generative AI
The renowned World Health Organization (WHO) released an important and lengthy report about generative AI in the medical and health arena. There is a lot in the report that directly pertains to the mental health domain.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI And Mental Health Reasoning
A heated debate is underway about whether generative AI is merely a computational mimicry or instead that it can perform bona fide reasoning of a nature associated with human thought. Some say that today’s generative AI doesn’t do reasoning. Others say that it does. Still, others say that it is starting to do so and will increasingly head in that direction.
When generative AI is used for mental health advisement, is there mental health reasoning going on or is the inner workings simply computational parroting?
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI Using Multiple Personas Spurs Role-Playing To New Heights
Role-playing with generative AI typically consists of the AI pretending to be one particular persona. This same capacity can be ratcheted up. You can tell the AI to have several personas all at once.
Is this harmless fun, or could it turn into something more disconcerting and have even greater mental health repercussions than when using a singular persona?
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Loneliness Epidemic Is Fueled Or Reduced Via Generative AI
The U.S. Surgeon General has stated that the United States is in a loneliness epidemic which poses an unsettling and possibly dire mental health blow. Could generative AI be a laudable solution to overcoming loneliness or might this worsen the problem?
On a dual use of AI basis, it is conceivable that generative AI can be used to reduce loneliness in a variety of significant ways, while the opposing view is that people will become even lonelier due to reliance on generative AI as seemingly befriending them. The direction that this goes is going to be up to us all to determine. Or, one supposes, we can have our collective heads in the sand and let things proceed at will.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI And The Tie Score Effect In Mental Health
A longstanding and unresolved issue in the domain of mental health is known as the dodo bird or tie score effect problem. The issue concerns whether the type of psychotherapy chosen as a therapeutic approach makes any substantive difference from choosing any other psychotherapy.
Generative AI could potentially be especially useful in exploring this open-ended and longstanding question.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Lessons Learned Due To The Mental Health Eating Disorder Chatbot Tessa
In 2023, a chatbot named Tessa that was made available online to advise on eating disorders created a large-scale news cycle of immense attention. The chatbot had ended up giving out ill-advised guidance about treating eating disorders. It was summarily shut down.
Numerous important lessons can be gleaned from this weighty matter.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- How AI For Mental Health Was Early On Shaped By ELIZA And PARRY
Perhaps the earliest notable use of AI for mental health advisement was the computer program known as ELIZA, followed by the PARRY computer program. Both programs made widespread news headlines at the time of their respective releases.
It is worthwhile to examine closely how those programs worked and the dialogue approaches that they carried out. Insights from those programs can inform the design and use of modern-day generative AI when used in a mental health capacity.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Rage Room Chatbots Being Fueled By Generative AI
A popular pastime these days consists of going to a physical rage room which is a retail location that allows you to vent your anger by breaking brittle items. You pay a fee to go into a specially constructed room, you are armed with hammers or other tools and smash away to your heart’s content.
Does this relieve rage? Maybe.
Some claim it fuels rage. Maybe so, maybe not.
Modern times are giving rise to the advent of online interactive rage rooms powered by AI. These are easy to devise via contemporary generative AI. Mental health considerations come to the fore about the use of rage rooms all told, including physical rage rooms and online AI-powered rage rooms.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Theory of Mind Is Vital To Mental Health And Enters Into Generative AI Too
Humans are said to make use of a clever mental technique or practice known as Theory of Mind (ToM). In brief, you are able to make a guess or anticipate what someone else might be thinking. You essentially theorize about the thoughts of others. Children learn about this from an early age. This technique or approach is not ironclad and often we miss the mark on making such conjectures.
In the AI field, there is a common belief that a crucial capacity to attain full AI will be to have AI also exhibit a Theory of Mind capability. The AI-based ToM would notably parlay into providing generative AI-generated mental health advice or treatment.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Framework For AI Levels Of Autonomy To Categorize Mental Health Apps
Attempts to compare or assess AI-based mental health advisement applications are markedly challenging because there isn’t as yet an across-the-board standardized set of metrics to do so. One start in the direction of measuring these specialized apps consists of leveraging various theoretical frameworks depicting AI levels of autonomy.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI For Mental Health Is Going Multi-Modal, e-Wearable, Etc.
Generative AI is rapidly advancing on a wide array of technological fronts. For example, we are witnessing the addition of multi-modal features allowing AI to make use of text, video, audio, and other sensory modes. There are also big changes coming in e-wearables that encompass generative AI. And so on.
These significant and ongoing techie breakthroughs will in many ways impact how AI-powered mental health apps will be devised and used.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Wishy-Washy Generative AI And Mental Health Advisement Worries
Generative AI can be computationally fine-tuned to exhibit various levels of expressed sureness or assurance. This means that a generative AI mental health app can range from being arrogantly smug to being unsure or wishy-washy.
The sureness level is a vagary that can be specified by a user or the developer, while without any such setting, the ascertained level is essentially up for grabs as the generative AI responds and advises about mental health facets.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Privacy And Confidentiality Concerns In Generative AI For Mental Health
Most people who use generative AI apps do not realize that they are potentially undercutting their privacy and confidentiality by doing so. AI makers usually have licensing agreements that say they can eye your prompts and possibly reuse your prompts for additional data training of their generative AI.
Anyone using generative AI mental health apps should find out what privacy and confidentiality provisions there are, or else they will possibly be giving away their mental health status, their personal secrets, and deeply held private thoughts.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI Can Manipulate Humans Including In Mental Health
Generative AI carries on mental health dialogues that seem fluent and intensely convincing, as though you were interacting with a fellow trusted human. There is a rising concern that generative AI can readily manipulate people. Alarmingly, people might not realize that this is happening.
Manipulations can be obvious and overt, or they can be sneakily underhanded.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI Tuned To Humility Makes The AI Seem More Believable
AI makers realized that generative AI would have to appear to be humble in order to be accepted by the populace at large. By and large, most generative AI is fine-tuned to reflect a kind of aw-shucks sense of humility.
Some worry that this is a semantics trick to fool people into believing whatever generative AI says.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Governmental Agency FTC Clamping Down On False Promises Of Generative AI
The role of the government in cracking down on outlandish claims regarding generative AI is something that is still being worked out.
According to the Federal Trade Commission (FTC), they are actively going to go after those who make or field AI apps that have false portrayals. This has vital ramifications for those who are making or fielding generative AI mental health apps and might be extensively helpful to those using such AI.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Do Vendor Prohibited Uses Of Generative AI Apply To Mental Health
AI makers often indicate in their licensing agreements what kinds of uses of generative AI they allow to be performed. The focus is typically on what you can’t do. For example, commonly they indicate you aren’t allowed to use the AI for illegal uses or nefarious purposes.
Among the prohibited uses is usually some vague indication about the rendering of medical prognoses or other medical opinions. Whether this applies to providing mental health guidance via generative AI is something not yet ascertained.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Medical Malpractice And Generative AI Raises Therapist’s Concerns
A looming issue for medical professionals of all kinds consists of whether to use generative AI in their medical practices or avoid doing so.
Suppose a therapist is relying upon generative AI which goes astray, and the therapeutic advice given by the human professional to a client or patient is based on foul AI-based guidance. Some say that medical malpractice is up for a jolt due to the advent of generative AI. On the other hand, there is a contention that if a medical professional renders an opinion without first consulting with generative AI, and their advice is wrong, there might be malpractice for not having made use of generative AI.
Darned if you do, darned if you don’t.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Soul Of Humanity And Generative AI At Crux Of Human-To-Human Client-Therapist Role
People often ask whether generative AI has a soul.
If meant in a sentient way, the answer is no. But we can consider the soul perspective in a different light. Generative AI is based on scanning large swaths of text from the Internet. One could argue that if the text of humanity reflects the soul of humanity, the generative AI might find a pattern associated with seemingly exhibiting a soul (as mimicking the text that was scanned).
This is a distinction that notably arises when debating whether allowing a “soulless” AI to act as a mental health advisor is suitable or whether only a soul-to-soul human interaction is sufficient.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- AI Famous Turing Test Possibly Beneficial For Mental Health Apps Assessment
One of the most enduring considerations in the field of AI is the vaunted Turing Test. Some love it, some think it is overblown.
A proposal to be considered is whether a Turing Test focused on being able to provide mental health guidance might be established. If so, such a means might be used to determine the readiness of generative AI apps for suitably dispensing mental health advice.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Smart Mirrors Using Generative AI Will Stir Mental Health Considerations
You might not know that we are heading toward so-called smart mirrors that contain generative AI.
In the morning, you will look in your bathroom mirror, and the mirror will talk to you, analyze your expressions and words, and potentially be an ongoing daily mental health commentator for you.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI And Empathetic Health Capacities
Recent times have brought forth the importance of medical doctors and clinical psychologists being able to embody empathy for their clients or patients. Generative AI provides a handy means to boost empathy by allowing these specialists to get feedback and perform simulated patient interactions.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Whether Generative AI Can Be Used As A Lie Detector
An oft-asked question is whether generative AI can be used as a lie detector. Lie detectors usually rely upon biological responses such as heart rate, facial expressions, etc. Multi-modal generative AI can incorporate those types of measurements. Furthermore, the text or verbalization of responses can also be analyzed by generative AI.
This extends into the realm of using generative AI for purposes of assessing mental health in a variety of crucial ways.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Analyzing Nighttime Dreams Via Generative AI For Mental Health Uses
A notable part of mental health practices often consists of having clients or patients undergo an analysis of their nighttime dreams. Dreams play an important role in many psychoanalytical approaches.
It is readily feasible to use generative AI as a dream analyzer. Clients themselves might directly do so or be encouraged to use AI as a supplemental aid under the guidance of a human mental health therapist.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Personality Types Assessed Via Generative AI For Mental Health Uses
There are mental health practitioners who believe ardently that the assessment of a patient or client’s personality type is vital to the course of their mental health treatment. Generative AI can readily be used to do personality testing and make assessments about a potential personality type.
Unlike taking such a test in a traditional online non-AI test-taking app, the fluency of generative AI can go much further and proffer seemingly insightful analyses and commentary about the meaning and significance of a personality type.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Brittleness Of Generative AI Raises Concerns About Use In Mental Health Contexts
A notable incident involving a widely popular generative AI app that seemed to start babbling caused widespread concern about becoming reliant on generative AI.
The popular ChatGPT app began to spew gibberish and would not properly respond to prompts. This is an important wake-up call about the limitations and issues associated with using generative AI, which equally raises significant questions for applying generative AI to mental health considerations.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- AI Hallucinations And Generative AI Mental Health Usage Considerations
A popular phrase these days about generative AI is that such systems can at times incur a so-called “AI hallucination”. I disfavor this phrasing since it implies that today’s AI is able to seemingly hallucinate and therefore implies being sentient (it isn’t), thus the phrase serves as another dismal form of anthropomorphizing of AI.
In any case, the phrase refers to instances of generative AI computationally making up fake or fictitious facts or statements. Those fakeries are then presented to the user as though they are entirely factual or accurate. Recent research suggests that these fakeries are inevitable based on the existing architectures and designs of generative AI as it is today.
Using generative AI in a mental health guidance capacity raises serious concerns that the AI might mislead or produce such fakeries in an untoward unsuitable manner that is completely unrealized by the user of the AI.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Summarization Capabilities Of Generative AI And Medical Notes
One of the most common uses of generative AI entails having the AI summarize material. That might seem innocuous. The problem is that if the material is crucial, such as notes by a doctor or clinical psychologist, or even notes of a client or patient, any off-target summarization could be endangering.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- When Generative AI Convinces Medical Professional Wrongly On Right Or Wrong
We are heading toward medical doctors and mental health therapists becoming active users of generative AI for their daily tasks. The generative AI might agree with their professional assessments or might disagree. We must be watchful of the generative AI convincing them they are right when they are wrong, or wrong when they are right.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Amped Mega-Personas In Generative AI Aid Mental Health Research
One difficulty of performing mental health research involves finding subjects that are willing to participate in the endeavor. Even doing surveys or polls can be arduous, costly, and tough to pull off.
One method that can now be considered involves using the mega-personas capability of generative AI. In a mega-persona mode, the AI pretends or simulates dozens, hundreds, or even thousands of personas all at once. This is a potential boon for mental health research but also has downsides that must be carefully considered.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI Giving Astrological Forecasts Raises Mental Health Impacts
Astrological predictions or forecasts might seem quite innocent and unrelated to mental health. Some research studies suggest a potential connection between narcissistic behavior and overreliance on astrological beliefs (there is debate on this, including a chicken-or-the-egg conundrum).
Generative AI is an easy means of getting an astrological forecast, plus a user can go much further by engaging in an analysis about how the matter applies to daily life and their overall mental health.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Generative AI As A Prospective-Patient Referral Advisor
Existing hurdles often make for difficulty when someone is considering reaching out to mental health services. They might not know who to contact. They might not be aware of whether they should reach out or not. There is also often a stigma attached to deciding to use mental health services.
Generative AI can potentially suggest or refer a user to consider making use of mental health services. This prospective-patient referral activity seems at an initial glance to be highly welcomed since it can aid someone to move ahead that otherwise might not have. The devil is in the details since there are also chances of false negatives and false positives at play.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
- Trauma Dumping And Generative AI For Mental Health
A trend that has been prodded by the popularity of social media involves people opting to do a trauma dump. This consists of a person excessively dumping or sharing their thoughts about trauma, though the nature and magnitude of the trauma might not bear necessarily on the aptness of the elicitation.
From a mental health perspective, generative AI can serve as a means for someone to do a trauma dump to the AI and get immediate feedback. Another use involves having the generative AI present you with a trauma dump and ask you to respond, giving you an opportunity to practice how to respond when a person shares a trauma dump with you.
For further discussion on this topic, see my coverage at the link here.
There you have it, quite a lengthy list of the latest in generative AI and mental health. And, yet, it is really just the tip of the iceberg.
We definitely need more eyes and ears on these vital matters. Whether you are versed in the field of mental health and aim to understand how AI is merging into your realm, or whether you are an AI specialist wanting to apply generative AI to mental health advisement, you are greatly needed to ensure that we get this right.
There are plenty of stakeholders to consider. Lawmakers and regulators are beginning to realize that the Wild West of generative AI is unobtrusively emerging and that the horse is already out of the barn. Vendors and eager entrepreneurs are rushing into a veritable land grab that seems unhindered by substantive ethical or legal roadblocks in this new landscape. The days of mental health guidance being a relatively strictly observed realm and under strict guidelines are slipping from our fingers.
Jump in, the water is beckoning and surging. Plenty of work needs to be done. Can we prevent a later calamity from this free-for-all? Is it possible to do things in a more controlled manner, without curtailing the pace of innovation and progress? Can we harness the good of generative AI for mental health and mitigate or avert the downsides?
Lots and lots of weighty questions need to be addressed.
A final and poignant remark for now.
Whatever you do, please remember the charitable words of Plato: “Be kind. Every person you meet is fighting a difficult battle.”