OpenAI has claimed that it is “leading the way” in the safe and ethical deployment of artificial intelligence. Oddly, she also decided to partner with a company that is actively working on developing killer robots for the US military.
This week, OpenAI announced a new partnership with Anduril Industries, a defense contractor co-founded by Oculus founder Palmer Luckey. Luckey’s small company has succeeded, in the space of seven years, in establishing itself as a key player in the defense community. It did this by producing drones for the US military, some of which are designed to kill people.
The new partnership between the drone maker and Silicon Valley’s leading AI provider will see the two companies come together to “responsibly develop and deploy advanced artificial intelligence (AI) solutions for security missions national,” said a press release associated with the agreement. Concretely, this means the integration of OpenAI software into Anduril’s platform, Lattice. Lattice is flexible AI-powered software designed to meet a variety of defense needs. It appears that OpenAI’s powerful algorithms will now be used to power Anduril’s product.
“OpenAI is developing AI to benefit the masses and supports U.S.-led efforts to ensure the technology respects democratic values,” OpenAI CEO Sam Altman said in a statement shared Wednesday. “Our partnership with Anduril will help ensure OpenAI technology protects U.S. military personnel and help the national security community understand and responsibly use this technology to keep our citizens safe and free.”
In a statement, Anduril CEO and co-founder Brian Schimpf said the partnership would allow his company to use OpenAI’s “world-class artificial intelligence expertise to address pressing AI gaps. air defense capabilities across the world.
Although most of Anduril’s products represent defensive technologies designed to protect U.S. military personnel and vehicles, the company also sells what has been nicknamed a “Kamikaze” drone. This drone, the Bolt-M, is powered by the company’s artificial intelligence software and is equipped with “lethal precision firepower”, which can produce “devastating effects against static or moving ground targets ”, according to the company. the website boasts. Live Science note that the Bolt-M is designed to fly into structures and explode. Anduril is also said to be develop “drone swarms” this can increase the US Navy’s missions.
This is a strange, even predictable, development for OpenAI, which has claimed to want to steer AI development in a healthy direction but, since its rise to the top of the tech industry, has increasingly further freed from the ethical safeguards that defined its beginnings. development.