As part of the development of UNESCO Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnology, join us for a dynamic panel exploring human rights and ethical opportunities and challenges in the age of neurotechnology.
As neurotechnology advances, interventions that directly interact with the brain could reshaping human experience, affecting thoughts, behaviorsand perceptions in an unprecedented way. Discussing ethics and human rights in this context is essential because of the profound implications this area has for individual autonomy, privacy, and mental integrity. How can we balance risks and benefits? Can we alleviate suffering while preventing the manipulation and misuse of brain data? Where are we in terms of the human rights landscape? What are the new ethical challenges posed by the convergence of neurotechnologies and artificial intelligence?
This panel will provide an opportunity to discuss these crucial issues, delving into the work of UNESCO and its first draft Recommendation on the Ethics of Neurotechnologies and the Human Rights Council and its recent report on Impact, opportunities and challenges of neurotechnology Regarding the promotion and protection of all human rights.