Security is essential in mining. Traditionally based strongly on manual workforce, mining has been transformed with the implementation of automation and robotics to exhaust the bulk of the work. This had a significant impact on the security and overall well-being of minors.
One of the remaining processes based on manual work is the deployment of explosive loads in the rocky face. Although the dynamic hours can vary, from the only time to several times a day, each round can contain up to ten explosions. Although it is a controlled process, the physical effort to pierce holes and insert explosives and primers can wreak havoc on qualified people performing these tasks. Combined with the dangers associated with the risk of falling rocks, debris and dust, this process has dangers that can be eliminated by the application of automation and robotics.
ABB, in partnership with Boliden and LKAB, and the explosive suppliers force and Kimit, Pilot an automated robotic explosive robotic load technology As a pilot solution designed to combat this challenge. Designed to eliminate people from the unprotected area around the rocky side during load sequences, the robotic energning system automatically scans the face to detect the drilling holes. The system then calculates how to reach all the holes and how to load them, before deploying the loads. This ensures that the knowledge and expertise of these operators is preserved, while allowing them to complete their critical role with less risks.
In tandem, the use of robotics can lead to a more coherent load, because the robot exercises the loads directly according to the programmed plan. In addition, the use of technologies such as automatic learning as well as its ability to record all loading results and provide data on data, which means that the robotic dynamics system will become more effective over time And, finally, will improve the process.
Prioritizing workers’ well-being requires treating more physical risks, but also the biological dangers associated with the dangerous environment of mines. Effective ventilation is the key to safety. The inhalation of smoke and toxic gas, or dust caused by the disturbed rock, can lead to a myriad of health problems. All mines are therefore equipped with appropriate ventilation systems. However, with the implementation of automated solutions such as ABB ventilation optimizer, processes such as energning and ventilation can work together to improve efficiency for greater safety.
The next step in mining automation is to integrate more effective automation technologies in the planning calendar and production control. This automated layer will connect several daily processes, such as ventilation, dehydration, transport systems and crushers on site, as well as mobile machines, to give the operator a broader view of the process and react quickly to disturbances. Safety elements can then be activated if necessary.