There is more at AI than generating AI. Figure 1 shows how generating AI relates to AI, automation and technology. Let us define these terms.
Figure 1
AI Generative (Genai)
Genai is a type of AI that creates content from existing data models such as text, video and audio. Chatgpt, Claude and Gemini are Examples of generative AI tools which have been trained on large amounts of text data to generate human -type responses. For examples of generative HR AI, see our guide on Prepare your organization for using AI. or join our CIPD community coverage online on Write generative prompts on AI for HR.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)
AI is the Cognition automationIt is automating the collection, processing and interpretation of information. AI is also a large field of study that includes:
- Automatic learning – Teach computers to learn data.
- Natural language treatment – Teach computers to interpret and generate human language.
- Computer vision – Teach computers to interpret images and videos.
Algorithms, models and AI systems
One AI algorithm is a step -by -step guide for a computer to follow (like a recipe). A IA model is a representation of something and can be created using a combination of algorithms.
An emerging type of AI system is a Foundation model Or AI system for general use. Great language models (LLMS) are a type of foundation model. Chatgpt, Claude and Gemini are built on the LLM and are examples of AI systems for general use. Not all generative AI tools are AI systems for general use – some are designed for a narrow purpose. See Ada Lovelace Institute’s Foundation model. To find out more about it.
Automation and hyperautomation
Automation is the use of technology to carry out tasks without (or with reduced human assistance). AI, automation of robotic processes (RPA) and even washing machines are examples of automation. RPA is used for repetitive tasks that people perform on computers, such as copying and collage of data between spreadsheets. Hyperautomation (also called intelligent automation) combines several technologies to automate business processes. The automation of the candidates supply process through social media screening is an example of hyperautomation, as it forces the computer to process the text, images, correspondence profiles against requirements and improve correspondences Over time.
Technology is the application of knowledge or processes to achieve practical objectives that are reproducible. This includes automation and other tools that are not necessarily reducing human participation. Examples include communication technologies as the internet and videoconferencing tools.
Digital transformation
Digital transformation is the continuous work to align technology, people, culture, structure and tasks so that an organization can prosper. Kane et al Describe this continuous realignment as being more mature digitally as an organization.
To find out more about technological terms such as data quality tools, digital twin, EDGE computer, the neural network and relational SGBD visit the GLOSSARY GARTNER.