Google AI glimps should allow users to choose subjects they want to display the summaries generated by AI.
The integration of AI previews with note -taking applications like Google Keep for quick access and the addition of fact verification feature could also help.
Adding multimedia content to the preview and integration of the GEMINI tool could also help improve the user experience.
Google’s IA glimps are far from perfect. But the tool has traveled a long way since its days to suggest to users add glue to pizza to prevent the cheese from sliding. That said, I think there is still a lot of room for improvement, and I think that the functionality of the previews of Google AI would be better if it included some of these features.
Allow users to choose subjects for which they wish to display
The AI AI APEREDSETS tool offers a summary of a subject or a request, generally based on several different online sources. As such, when they appear, they appear at the top of the Google search results page.
Although these summaries can be useful, a blatant limitation is that I cannot control the subjects that these overviews appear. If, instead, the user can choose the subjects he wishes to display the AIs of the AI (for example, recipes or technology), this tool can provide more value rather than overwhelming users with obvious information or non -relevant which become a distraction.
Integration with Google Keep for quick notes
Despite its faults, the previews of the Google AI can be quite useful, especially when the information presented is relevant and precise. However, at present, if you want to refer to this summary, your only options are to export it to Gmail or a Google Doc. I think it’s quite annoying if everything you want to do is quickly captured a few key points.
I would likePrefer it if AI previews were integrated into a Screening application Like Google Keep. This would allow the user to quickly export specific parts of the summary Without having to navigate to a completely different application / interface.
Adding public verification feature where users can vote on precision
While you can manually Check where Google AI previews get its informationTechnology can sometimes wrongly cause inaccurate or not relevant data, which means that errors slip into these summaries.
To reduce inaccuracies of this type, I think it would help if Google adds a public verification functionality, which allows users to vote on the accuracy of the information presented. Too many inaccurate reports should either report the summary to Google or warn users of potential credibility problems so that they do not take information at the nominal value.
Incorporate multimedia content for more engaging overviews
AI glimps have changed how people find information online. However, Google’s summaries can be considerably improved by adding multimedia content to the glimpses themselves.
In this way, people who prefer to watch a video or display images / infographics to better understand the subject can do so without leaving the search results page or having to sail to other platforms to broadcast videos on the subject.
Integration with Gemini for follow -up questions
I don’t think Generative AI must be pushed into each application that I useAnd I am often happy to use applications and services without AI functionality. However, the integration of Gemini into the previews of Google AI seems to be a next natural step and could completely change the game if and when it happens.
Thus, instead of presenting only to users a fixed summary, Google could give users the possibility of asking follow -up questions according to the summary generated by AI, which makes the experience much more interactive.
Whether you like it or not, the IA glimps are there to stay. However, if you find the experience more distracting than useful, consider Disable IA previews Until the experience improves and more in line with what you need.