As for most changes in life, there will be positive and negative impacts on society artificial intelligence continues to transform the world in which we live. How it will balance, it is the assumption and the debate of anyone for many and so that many people can contemplate. As a optimist in the soul, I think that the changes will be especially good but could be difficult for some. Here are some of the challenges that could be confronted (and we should think about how to take them now) as well as several of the positive impacts artificial intelligence will be on the company.
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Challenges to face
Artificial intelligence will certainly change our workforce. Alarmist titles highlight the loss of jobs for machines, but the real challenge is that humans find their passion with new responsibilities that require their human capacities only. According to PWC, 7 million existing jobs will be replaced by IA in the United Kingdom from 2017 to 2037, but 7.2 million jobs could be created. This uncertainty and changes in how some people will earn their lives could be difficult.
The transformative impact of artificial intelligence on our company will have economic, legal, political and regulatory implications of a large scope that we must discuss and prepare. Determine who is at fault if an autonomous vehicle hurts a pedestrian or how to manage a global autonomous arms race are only a few examples of the challenges to face.
Will the machines become super intelligent and humans will ultimately lose control? Although there is a debate on the probability of this scenario, we know that there are always unforeseen consequences when the new technology is introduced. These involuntary results of artificial intelligence will probably challenge us all.
Another problem is to ensure that IA Does not become so competent to do the work that it was designed to make it cross the ethical or legal borders. Although the intention and objective of original AI is to benefit humanity, if he chooses to achieve the desired objective in a destructive (but effective) way, it would have a negative impact on society. AI algorithms must be built to align with the global objectives of humans.
Artificial intelligence algorithms are powered by data. As more and more data is collected every minute of each person’s day, our privacy is compromised. If companies and governments decide to make decisions according to the intelligence they bring together like you like China social credit systemThis could turn into social oppression.
Positive impacts of artificial intelligence on society
Artificial intelligence can considerably improve the effectiveness of our workplaces and can increase the work that humans can do. When AI supports repetitive or dangerous tasks, it releases human workforce to do the work for which they are better equipped – tasks that involve creativity and empathy among others. If people do more engaging work for them, it could increase happiness and work satisfaction.
With better surveillance and diagnostic capacities, artificial intelligence can influence considerably health care. By improving the operations of health establishments and medical organizations, AI can reduce operating costs and save money. An estimate of MCKINSEY predict big data could save medication and pharmacas up to $ 100 billion per year. The real impact will be in patient care. Potential of personalized treatment plans and drug protocols as well as to give suppliers better access to information in medical establishments to help to shed light on patients who change their lives.
Our company will earn countless hours of productivity with only the introduction of autonomous transport and AI influencing our traffic congestion problems not to mention other ways to improve productivity. Released from stressful journeys, humans will be able to spend their time in various ways.
The way we discover criminal activities and solve crimes will be improved with artificial intelligence. Facial recognition technology becomes as common as fingerprints. The use of AI in the judicial system also has many opportunities to understand how to effectively use technology without going through an individual’s privacy.
Unless you choose to live at a distance and never plan to interact with the modern world, your life will be considerably affected by artificial intelligence. Although there are many learning experiences and challenges to face as technology takes place in new applications, the expectation will be that artificial intelligence will generally have a more positive than negative impact on society.