What makes the best talents choose a startup rather than a business career or the reverse? Are there common factors in addition to the money that play a role in this decision? Is it possible to have a significant and impactful job in a large business and is it really without stress? And, on the opposite side-are the start-up roles always chaotic and is it possible for work balance in such an environment?
“Talent Talks” is a series of events that trendy subjects have started to demystify myths around what rock stars in the technological sector are really. We will return to Launhee on September 16 at 6.30 p.m. for our second edition – this time in hybrid form – with a smaller audience in person and added live streaming on Facebook and YouTube. But nevertheless, we will again explore what motivates professionals in the Bulgarian technology sector.
During “Impact & Mess VS Structure & No Stress”, our director general Irina Obushtarova and the professionals of the startup and the business world will openly talk about the best and the worst parts of the environment of each.
Who will join this Wednesday
Ivelina Petkova, IT project manager at Documaster
Trend subjects: which one do you like the most in your work?
Ivelina Petkova: I love the variety of subjects and the diversity of the challenges we face daily, in particular those typical of the nature of the business start -up. They fuel my creativity to seek solutions for the constantly evolving environment of a small organization in constant growth. I love teams and interactions. Working with responsible professionals who give their best to find the most suitable solution together is more than inspiring. I appreciate the will of colleagues to try new and unconventional approaches, which brings me honestly a pleasure, as I like to experience and explore new ways of working. I love to see the feeling of real property, recognition and determination every day. I love the atmosphere and comfort. And finally but not the least – I love openness and jokes!
Trendy subjects: What is the biggest challenge for you at work?
Ivelina Petkova: My biggest challenge is probably very similar to those of other small businesses – as other startups, we deal with limited resources, which means that we have to make intelligent and difficult choices on a daily basis and to prioritize and optimize constantly. Some people can call it frugal while I simply perceive it as the only way to meet market needs. We have a good amount of components and products and they add complexity, which increases the bar with regard to alignment needs. Always communicating openly and with a clear final goal is what I was after and what I am trying to share with my colleagues, so that each time we face the next challenge, whether big or small, we do it Open and ready to rock the ground with the overview.
Severina Mitsova: Human resources specialist at Atscale
Trendy subjects: What is the biggest challenge for you at work?
Severina Mitsova: I believe that there is no doubt that the biggest challenge for each HR specialist is to find the balance between the employer and the employees. This can lead to many difficulties. This is why I am very happy to say that this problem does not exist in Atscale. We all enjoy a culture of understanding, support and respect. We really appreciate and appreciate the efforts of each member of our team. And it makes my job even better and enriching. I love to see happy people.
Trend subjects: which one do you like the most in your work?
Severina Mitsova: I love that my work gives me the opportunity to meet and communicate with new interesting and “colorful” people every day. In ATSCALE, we have around ten interviews per week with people from different backgrounds and industries and we tend to recruit the best talents. I believe that these meetings can put new value from our point of view and help us be even better in our work and hire people who best correspond to our mission.
Victor Danchev: Mission Manager and Physicist at Endurosat
Trendy subjects: What do you like the most in your work in a startup?
Victor Danchev: There are never two days the same two days, I work in a very dynamic environment full of motivated people with many different horizons.
Trendy subjects: What is the biggest challenge for you to work in a startup?
Winner: Good team communication and keep everyone fixed on their priority tasks at hand.
Thomas Metz: Managing Director of the Bosch Engineering Center, Sofia
Trend subjects: which one do you like the most in your work?
Thomas Metz: With my great colleagues, I shape the future of mobility. With innovative solutions, we make the lives of people safer and more comfortable.
Trendy subjects: What is the biggest challenge for you at work?
Thomas Metz: The fundamental value of Bosch Engineering Center Sofia is that we stick like a family. Keeping the strong team during a period of social disposition and integration of our new colleagues is the biggest challenge at the moment.
Tickets for the event are free but registration is required. You also have the opportunity to support us with a small donation so that we can organize even cooler events for the regional innovation ecosystem.