Artificial intelligence Vector illustration of scientists men building human head with wheels and wires. Digital brain development technology or Android robot
Robotics as a career choice is gaining popularity among today’s students. Robots are machines that can either independently or on order, carry out a series of operations and functions. It is an engineering branch that involves the design, construction and operation of robots. To move goods on a production floor to complex medical procedures and to spatial exploration missions, robots quickly become an important part of our lives. Coupled with progress in other areas such as artificial intelligence, robotics will play an increasingly full role in our lifestyle.
India is always at an emerging stage with regard to the rise of robotics. According to a global report in 2017, there are only three robots for 10,000 employees in India. This is clearly insufficient to support the country’s industrial growth objectives for sustained growth. Interventions must therefore be done in our education system to prepare young students in the future by introducing robotics from the start. Robotics learning can be more effective in starting students and also instilling them scientific temperament. Technology is what motivates the world today and students must be followers of the latest developments to be a productive member of the company.
In a labor market dominated by STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics), the demand for candidates with qualifying in robotics experienced growth of almost 200%. This trend is likely to maintain in the foreseeable future as the request for demand is stabilized. By introducing robotics into schools as part of the educational program, the student’s interest in the field can be maintained from the start. Learning robotics also encourages the development of superior reflection capacities and problem solving skills to produce highly qualified and productive talents for the future.
Robots are being developed and deploying in an increasing number of roles in different industries. With an increasing sophistication of robots, robotics requires greater collaboration and communication in the inference drawing, the construction of the model, the tests and the control of a robot. With students exposed to robotics from an early age, they also acquire precious life work skills, communication and even community participation in the process.
The introduction of robotics in schools will therefore offer advantages on several fronts. Ironically, schools, despite the learning and education centers, are surprisingly resistant to change. Even today, schools are largely dependent on teaching by teachers despite the demonstrations demonstrated in practical learning. However, with increasing awareness and one partly due to growing demand, schools are progressing in the adoption of new technologies and the introduction of new courses such as robotics.
With the cost of acquiring start -up kits or downward robotic kits, the concerns of affordability which were once a stumbling block in mass adoption on robotics in the program are now resolved. The basic concepts of robotics can also be taught inexpensive with a little creativity and DIY approach. Students powered by their interest and helped by creativity and common sense are known to assemble work prototypes using nothing more than cards and other household items of this type.
In this regard, the government has established ATAL DIY laboratories (ATL) in India schools in order to promote curiosity, creativity and imagination in young minds. It also helps to instill skills such as design state of mind, computer thought, adaptive learning, physical computers, etc. In this initiative, young children are fortunate to work with tools and equipment to understand the concepts of STEM. ATL contains educational and learning kits and learners “to do yourself” on science, electronics, robotics, open source micro-control cards, sensors and 3D printers and computers.
The writer is the MD group, MBD
Published – July 13, 2019 11:08 am AM Ist