You get a fatwa, and you get a fatwa, and you get a fatwa!
Government representatives in Iran seek to modernize – using artificial intelligence to help clerics emit fatwas, or Islamic law decisions, at unprecedented speed.
Like the Financial time reportsThe civil servants linked to the state in the holy city of the theocracy of Qom encourage religious to experience AI in order to appear more progressive while the country marks the anniversary of one year of explosive protests after the Death of Mahsa AminiA young woman who was killed in police custody for having pretended to carry her scarf.
“Robots cannot replace upper clerics,” said Mohammad Ghotbi, the head of a technological incubator affiliated with the state in Qom, “but they can be a trusted assistant who can help them emit a fatwa in Five hours instead of 50 days. “
While most Shiite clerics spend weeks or months on Islamic texts, Ghotbi and its Ayatollah Allies suggest that AI could accelerate both the research and public release of Fatwas, which are traditionally issued on Everything, from everything since, Patriotism with personal hygiene – But, in recent decades, have often been delivered to protest against Western cultural subjects, such as the A sadly famous against the novelist Salman Rushdie.
“The seminar must get involved in the use of modern progressive technology and artificial intelligence,” said Ayatollah Alireza Arafi, member of the powerful Iranian Guardian Council and his assembly of experts, FT in July. “We must enter this area to promote Islamic (civilization).”
Indeed, the FT Reports that the main research center on Qom AI, the Noor Computer Center for Islamic Sciences Research, is affiliated with the centenary seminar of the holy city and has access to its old religious texts which could be introduced into algorithms.
The supreme leader of Iran, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei FTsaid in June in June that he wanted Iran to be “at least among the first 10 countries in the world in terms of artificial intelligence”, although he warned that he should, like everything else, be made in close interpretation by the country of Islam.
“The tools change,” said the supreme chief. “What doesn’t change are the goals.”
Ghotbi seemed to echo this feeling, claiming that the supporters of the plan “work (locally) the use of technology because our cultural values differ” from the secular views of the West.
Speaking of the West, the responses to the AI fatwa proposal on the site formerly known as Twitter are also Glibs as you would expect. A user joked by saying that potential religious AI would work like “Mullah robots“While a AI academic joked that it could be the next great thing since Pope “Jacket generated by AI (Balenciaga).”
Jokes aside, the concept of an AI assistant led through religious texts in the name of the clergy is undeniably fascinating – although the political push behind it is as regressive as the management of the country.
More on the religious AI: The Texas Pastor defends the use of chatgpt to write “hunting rifle sermon”